The Lord of The Rings


Intro | Elves | Frodo | Gimli | Gollum| Kings | Hobbits | Middle Earth | Mordor | Orcs | Wizards

Gimli with an axe in each hand Gollum Sauron

Going back to the shadows...

Back when I was still impressionable, optimistic and idealistic, I came across a set of outdated Lord of The Rings calendars by The Hildebrandt Brothers. The paintings envisioned worlds I had only imagined, and the H-Bros became my new heroes.

After living with some version of Tolkien’s Lord of The Rings within my reach for most of my life, I now photograph action figures based on the movies, while thinking about the calendars I loved as a child and the books I consumed as a young man.

King Theoden

Whatever it was about the characters and the story that drew me in, way back then, still seems relevant today. And more urgent.

Gimli with 2 axes Hobbits

Battles for Middle Earth

Orcs invade Orcs
Orc attack Orc armies move forward Orc invasion

Intro | Elves | Frodo | Gimli | Gollum| Kings | Hobbits | Middle Earth | Mordor | Orcs | Wizards